02/15/2021 A Voice From the Gallery

          The February 15, 2021,  Alcester City Council meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Mayor Dan Haeder with a recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.  Councilman David Larsen, Councilwoman Linda Talbott and Councilwoman Melissa Kay in person.  Councilman Marcus Ireland and Councilwoman Darla Reppe, were counted present via telephone and City Attorney Sam Nelson was absent but I understand(by hear-say not through any announcement) available by phone if needed.  H-m-m

          Agenda Item #3 – Approval of Agenda –  Call to approve the agenda, motion was made, second was made and with no discussion the motion was approve by a five (5) count unanimous aye vote.  Three in person and two by telephone.

          Agenda Item #4 – Public Input – I (Vickie Larsen) started out. 

Why a custom built computer?  Why not use one of those extra Cares Computers?

Now compare what was said in council (01:04:08.93) Identical, really? I will deal with that one in another blog.

Website–where is it? (0:04:48.93)

Contact number for Councilman Ireland still not published for constituents. (0:05:14.50)

Cemetery roads clean off (0:05:34.17)

Question on city-owned bar as it related to mask mandate (0:06:02.70)

Wake Up call Armstrong City Council legal troubles (0:06:23.07)

(0:08:13.10) Councilwoman Kay questioned my comment as to the article related to ongoing criminality…”So are accusing someone of criminality?”  Madam Councilwoman is that the only question in your playbook?  If I were to accuse someone of criminality, it would be plain and you wouldn’t have to guess.  In addition, I would have concrete proof should I ever make a public accusation.  My answer (01:08:15.78)  was No!  Councilwoman Talbott squawks (0:08:19.87) “…you just said…it is going on here…”  Councilwoman Talbott I suggest you listen before you squawk! 

But since you brought it up Councilwoman Talbott, let’s compare shall we?

Folks you decide, You fill in the questions marks!

Yes or No

Source : https://esthervillenews.net/news/local-news/2021/02/13/multi-year-investigation-leads-to-arrest-of-armstrong-officials/

Mayor Haeder reported input (0:08:59.17) regarding pet licensing and increased fees.  (0:09:31.10)

Councilman Ireland reported input on complaints on the wreaths on the lights in the park.(0:10:59.67)  Folks thought it was tacky.  (0:11:33.03) further comment/discussion on keeping lighting in the park.  I believe at the time the ‘north to south’ leading to the shelter house sidewalk was formed in the park there were regular lights placed along that walkway.  So there were already lights existing in the park before the wreaths were attached.

          Agenda Item #5 – Property Tax Abatement – Extend an abatement to an elderly disabled resident.  Motion made and passed.

          Agenda Item #6 – Department Updates –

Police Department had no update.

Street Department report was presented by Patricia Jurrens in the absence of Mr. Johnson.  This involved putting on a touch for additional street lights on Lincoln from Anderson street southward to First Street westward.  Madam  Bookkeeper made her suggestions known to the group.  Discussion was introduced as a ‘safety issue’ for walkers.  As you can hear from the discussion very little information was handed to the council, just a couple of pictures with some hand drawn stars for placement.  As the discussion progressed it became apparent the council was having trouble following the rationale and the discussion twisted and turned more than the road.  It was shared Southeastern Electric Cooperative was provider of record for that part of the city.  However Ms. Jurrens opined where the poles would be placed and that if the city agreed to wood poles there would be no charge other than the added electricity. 

          Now here is where it becomes interesting.  Mayor Haeder opines to, “… go with the wood poles, ’cause it will be free…” (0:20:59.27)  Not free, sir!  Councilman David Larsen asks the question, “…do we need a motion…” (0:21:36.50) and Mayor Haeder says don’t think so.  Silence.  No councilmember asked the question how many light poles are we talking about?  No councilmember asked the question how much electricity per pole is going to be charged against the city?  Is there going to be a charge for the pole?  Really silence.  Now no vote?  The council should have made the motion to accept the deal of free poles and installation, state the number of poles and where they would be placed.  Keep in mind the city has set back right-of-way approximately 33 feet from the center of the street outward.  If the area the poles were to be placed was on the east side of Lincoln Drive which I do believe is outside of the city limits and the city has no control over.  Yup, I do believe it would have a real good idea to have a true, complete and accurate record of what this council is doing.


          Agenda Item #7 – Discretionary Taxing Formula Ordinance  2021-04 – After some brief discussion, no attorney present Mayor Haeder called the question to approve the first Reading of Ordinance 2021-04.  Councilman Ireland asked for clarity’s sake that it was his understanding that the formula was not being changed just adapting language which would agree with South Dakota/City Statute.  Then the group approved the first reading.

Agenda Item #8 Finance Office –

          Electronic Readers, Water meters.  One of the hand held readers quit working.  Bookkeeper Jurrens thought it just needed a new battery.  Easy peesy, right.  Now FoPat is coming to the council with a radio meter read proposal  at a project today’s cost of $125K,  But guys, we can do drive-by-reads.  However Folks we are likely to get hit with the purchase of a vehicle to drive the street to read meters.  There is to be a meeting Wednesday to talk to representatives from Core & Main out of Sioux Falls at 11:00 a.m.  Now folks how will affect US?  Think about the meters we are presently using, Now think about the cost of new meters, installation to enable radio reads.  Guesses?  It appears these new meters can be installed in the city right-right-of-way, generally the city pays for the initial cost with the cost spread across increased water rates for residents.  Any questions you can think of?  Ask you council!

          City Records to be destroyed, Council sure did vote for that!

          Reminders and Updates –

          Petition deadline-  Folks get your election petitions in by February 26th.

          Election day, April 13, 2021.  Be aware that South Dakota Municipal League strongly advises against Finance Officers and their minions not circulate absentee ballots, supervise signatures or influence any voting procedure.

          Board of Equalization meets March 15, 2021. 6:00 p.m.

          2021 Chip Sealing bid Opening March 1, 2021.

Agenda Item #9 – Executive Session –  Not necessary- Personnel must be having a quiet two weeks.

Agenda Item #10 – Adjourn Meeting

          Meeting adjourned at 6:31 P.M.

Contact City Council

Mayor Dan Haeder                   605-934-2287

Councilman David Larsen        605-934-2434

Councilwoman Melissa Kay     712-557-0689

Councilwoman Darla Reppe    605-934-2602

Councilwoman Linda Talbot    605-934-1849

Councilman Marcus Ireland    605-370-1193

02/01/2021 A Voice From the Gallery

          The February 1, 2021,  Alcester City Council meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Mayor Dan Haeder, , Councilman David Larsen, Councilwoman Darla Reppe, Councilwoman Linda Talbott and Councilwoman Melissa Kay in person.  Councilman Marcus Ireland was counted present via telephone and City Attorney Sam Nelson was absent but available via telephone IF the council needed him.  M-m-m, you hiding Sam?

The city camera is beeping, Mayor Haeder adjusts it, he now puts the memory card in, Mayor Haeder sits down and camera starts beeping.  H-m-m.

          Council recites the Pledge of Allegiance.

insert video

Item #3 – Approve Agenda   Mayor Haeder called for motion to approve the agenda.  Motion is made, seconded and with no discussion the agenda is approved unanimously  (X5 Ayes) without change.

Item #4 – Approve Minutes of January 4th and 18th meetings Mayor Haeder called for motion to approve the minutes of the two meeting in January.  Motion was made by Councilman Larsen, seconded by Councilwoman Talbott, discussion was called with Councilman Ireland responding to add the adjective “alleged” before the narrative involving executive session in the 01/04/2021 minutes.  The group decided to add the word “alleged”.  Councilman Larsen made the motion to amend the initial motion by adding the word “alleged”, Councilwoman Talbott seconded the motion to amend, no discussion on the amendment, the group vote unanimously X5 Ayes to amended.  The Council returned to the motion on the floor, Councilman Larsen moved to approve the minutes for January 4 as amended, and January 18 (as written should have been noted in the motion), Councilwoman Talbott seconded the motion and with no further discussion the motion was approve with a unanimous vote X 5 Ayes.

Item #5 – Public Input– I spoke to the erosion issue on the Sunnyside Storage project and possible loss of one of the buildings on the private property.  A retaining wall was to be built but as of this meeting had not been completed nor was it signed off by the ‘alleged building inspector Geoff Fillingsness.’  I asked, once again, about the city website with Finance Office Jurrens responding it (the website) was up. (09:53:47).  As of this writing I still do not see a website!  I commented on the telephonic participation of Councilman Marcus Ireland who, it appears will be taking part in the future council meetings until election.  I commented on the residents of Ward II have been to all intents and purposed disenfranchised by way the lack of their ability to readily contact their Ward II representative, Marcus Ireland.  Cell telephone number was to be provided to the newspaper for publication.

Mayor Haeder announced there was to be a virtual legislative meeting tomorrow, February 2, 2021.

Councilwoman Darla Reppe announced she had been contacted by a constituent who did not wish to be identified.  The constituent was extremely unhappy with the Burke Sh**house and requested the council take measures to fix the situations.  The council was warned back in December 2019 and January 2020 by me with regard to variances distributed by Finance Officer Pat Jurrens and approved by the council to allow non-residential building in the Numsen Addition prior to the building of these Beck Drive nightmares.  I warned them of the possible sharp decline in property values of innocent neighbors, and the possibility of losing any future sales of the remaining properties. However there is a precedent in Sioux Falls which caused the demolition of a violation of covenants in a historic neighborhood.  Mayor Haeder who was then a councilmember voted to approve the Burke Sh**house.  I noted in my complaint that Codes and Covenants ran with the property and it was up to the property owners to vote to change the Covenants and the city did not have the power to ordinance away the covenants.  Covenants were put into place to protect the property owners investments and assets.  To Councilmember Reppe’s un-named constituent, you can sue for lost value.  The council was warned and went ahead with the variance in spite of the warning.  I believe there may be a liability against the council for allowing the Sh**house variance. In last night’s meeting, Finance Officer Jurrens offered up a legal opinion (19:05:57).  Sorry madame bookkeeper, your alleged degree is in bookkeeping not legal opinions.  To Councilmember Reppe’s constituent and my Numsen’s Addition neighbor, upon your request I will give you copies of my research.  By the way, I do believe any resident has the right and ability to file a complaint on the Sh**house.

Item #6 Department Head Updates

Streets-Lonnie Johnson (absent) Chip sealing – advertising of Bid date  03/01/2021 6:15 pm

Hire Cash Hemmingson for Snow removal, Shop and Street Maintenance-???how many bodies does the city need for snow removal??? Call for Motion.  Motion was made by Councilwoman Kay, seconded by Councilwoman Reppe,  discussion question asked to amend start date with an immediate start date of February 2, 2021.   Motion was amended by Councilwoman Kay, seconded by Councilwoman Reppe, no discussion and a unanimous vote X5 ayes to amend the motion.  Call for motion returned to original question to hire Cash Hemmingson at $11.00 per hour for an immediate start date of  February 2, 2021.  Councilwoman Kay made the now amended motion, Councilwoman Reppe seconded the amended motion, with no further discussion the council voted X5 ayes to hire Cash Hemmingson at $11.00 per hour starting February 2, 2021. 

Shop Computer – Aw the shop computer crashed.  So FO Pat went shopping for a shop computer.  Where did FO Pat go out for quotes, why to her good bud Applied Software Beresford? So does Alcester get a friends and family discount from Mr. Monson?   Somehow I don’t think the $1216.00 price tag is a discount, do you?

Cemetery – No update

Water – Pumps have been installed

Police Dept – Police Chief Conference  Approval to attend Police Chief’s Conference. Council approved Police Chief Christie’s travel to the conference.

Police Chief vest purchase-Council approve purchase of vest for PD.

Golf Course -Trade in golf cart.  Phasing out and Trade one Yamaha for the purchase of One EZ Go Golf cart spending up to $2000.00.  Motion was made by Councilman Larsen, Second came from Councilwoman Talbott with the Mayor wandering off topic to some sort of Lift. Finally came back to topic for unanimous vote .

Library – Councilman David Larsen gave a summary of the Summer Reading Program.

Item #7 – Mask Policy  “Ordinance vs. Recommendation vs. Resolution Discussion related to do we do an Ordinance, do we do a Recommendation or do we do a Resolution?  The Consensus landed on a resolution.  Mayor Haeder called for a Motion to approve the 2021-03 Resolution, Councilwoman Kay made the motion to approve the resolution with implementation as soon as published.  Councilwoman Reppe seconded the motion, no discussion and with 4 ayes and 1 no from Councilman Larsen.  (00:00:00)  As soon as published, I was told the website was up and running.  In fact I pointed out we publish on the website.  In fact I believe the city is require to publish notifications on the website if we have one.  No response. Telephone call was made to Attorney Sam Nelson at 7:16 pm. for advice on the Resolution.  Dare I ask what that phone call cost?

Item #8 – Employee Bonus discussion Yup there it is.  Longevity/Performance Base Bonus Discussion.  Now folks while I sat listening to the presentation by Councilwoman Kay, it was hard not to chuckle at several points she attempted to make.  Going back to a time as she was hawking Bambee HR, she stated she/council did not know much about Human Resources takes me to a question she asked me when she was practicing her Legal Badgering Skills 101 on me, “Do you know how to read?”. 

          My response then is the same as it is now, “Yes very well!”  So madam you write you worked your way up in janitorial skills, from toilet processing to management of employee scheduling, sales, customer phone relations, and processing bids for services.  Additionally in your linked auto-bio you allege you, “… completed a Human Resources training course and Dealing with Difficult People course climaxing in protecting employees rights while maintaining the integrity of the company…” Wow!  So according to your proposed bonus performance review techniques, given the manner with which you dealt with me and I as your employer (tax payer) I should be able to score you on your performance, Right?  So let’s see what questions might I ask.  You see when I got the agenda about bonus discussion, I did my research.  I think taxpayers would like a preview of questions they might like to ask.  Shall we?  So Councilwoman Kay, did you protect my rights during the Great Badger inquisition?  Did you deliberately lie to the other council members to make your case?  Did you perpetuate a deliberate lie by administrative staff?  Did you or did you not make a false swearing with regard to the above listed questions?  That’s okay, I don’t expect an answer.

Item #9 – Finance Office Updates Alternate garbage route- so now the residents must tote their garbage across the street.  Really why not a central pick-up dumpster with a discount for residents who are willing to haul their garbage and/or their disabled neighbor’s garbage to the central dumpster.

2020 Audit-Approval to pay the bill.

Board of Equalization meeting- March 15, 2021 6:00 pm

Virtual District Meeting March 18, 2021, 5:30 pm

Reminders and Updates

Item #10 – Community Building – notation the builder took the liberty of changing the 8 foot garage doors out for 12 foot doors. 

Item #11 – Volunteer Roster- No Update

Item #12 – Executive Session 1-25-2.1 Personnel  AGAIN Call for motion, second, no discussion and unanimous vote.  Executive session commences at 7:51 p.m.  Those staying in executive session were Councilman Larsen, Councilman Ireland (via telephone et al), Councilwoman Kay, Councilwoman Reppe, Councilwoman Talbott, FO Patricia Jurrens, employee Wanda Halverson, Police Chief Jeff Christie, Police Officer Austin Schuller and Mayor Header. 

Newspaper reporter Gordon Richard, Employee Peeples and Vickie Larsen left the room.  Mr. Richard and Ms Peeples left the building while Vickie Larsen remained in the hallway. Interesting watching the group and the body language, like watching a silent movie.  The police officers left the executive session at 8:13 pm approximately 22 minutes after the commencement of the session.  The executive meeting continued on until 8:37 pm when it was declared out of session.

Item #13 – Adjourn at 8:38 pm

Contact City Council

Mayor Dan Haeder                   605-934-2287

Councilman David Larsen        605-934-2434

Councilwoman Melissa Kay     712-557-0689

Councilwoman Darla Reppe    605-934-2602

Councilwoman Linda Talbot    605-934-1849