08/31/2017 A Voice from the Gallery

             (continuation of August 7, 2017, regular city council meeting commentary)

There is an old saw that, “…a picture is worth a thousand words…” meaning a picture tells the story much clearer, black and white and more objectively than a bunch of written words.

“Mayor Tom and I (Alcester FO Pat Jurrens)”…the opening salvo of FO-speak meaning Mayor Tom and I are about to drop a Styrofoam cup of boiling coffee in the collective  bare-skinned laps of the Alcester City Council.  Mayor ‘Tom’ looks over at FO-Pat as she explains (I swear I could see FO-Pat’s hand move as Mayor ‘Tom’ bobbed his head up and down in the affirmative) that Alcester NEEDS to implement a street maintenance fee based upon frontage foot.  Yeah, right!  So why cannot Mayor ‘Tom’ and FO-Pat budget enough funds to repair Alcester’s streets?  WHY?  Property owners are already on the hook for the curb and gutter abutting their property as well as the upkeep and maintenance of any sidewalks abutting their property and if those sidewalks need to be replaced they must be ADA compliant; width, slope, grade, and etc.

Home owners to take a good long look at your front footage and see how Mayor Tom and FO-Pat’s wild-hair ride is going to affect you.  Oh, check out 410 Hyden Drive and the vast amount of frontage feet involved with that property.

Past failure to do timely, routine street repairs has resulted in our streets increased vulnerability to significant and more involved repairs in the future.  Kind of like a tear in the seat of your jeans.  If that tear is not repaired, every time you sit, squat, or bend-over that little ol’ tear goes from an I-Phone screen size to a CinemaScopic 90-inch LED Back-Lit screen size on which ya’ll watch your favorite football team.

Our property taxes supply the funds to maintain our streets, so why are we black-topping alleys Mayor ‘Tom’?  IF we are short on funds to properly maintain our regular city streets, WHY the devil are we black-topping alleys?  WHAT heavy load is the alley between Dakota and Iowa Streets carrying?  The weight of city hall?

Pictures≠363 words   3rd STREET ALLEY23rd STREET ALLEY1

08/24/2017 A Voice from the Gallery

        (continuation of August 7, 2017, regular city council meeting commentary)

Agenda Item 10 City Employee Updates included:

10(a)  Lonnie Johnson’s report on street work including the chip sealing, repairs on 3rd street and Union and siren batteries (?)

10(b) Waste water was the tour of the sewer plant.

10(c)  Swimming Pool Update on the round success/failure of swimming lessons.  It is to be noted here on the July 5, 2017, agenda Item 15(c)(ii) appeared Diving Board Repairs due to a catastrophe at the pool when a large male bounced a bit too hard  and the board collapsed.  The council was notified, yet the board is still in place with cones placed around it and as of this filing the damaged board is still in place.  This is a liability for the city and has been since the event happened and it was not removed!  There is a legal thing that happens when the city has been notified of an event which would endanger persons or the public and the city fails to remedy or cure the liability, council members could be held jointly and severally liable.

10(f)(v)  Alcester Bar Air conditioning Unit replacement Quotes.     Folks, Madam Woolworth had an A/C failure.  According to FO-Pat, Madam Woolworth’s wires are arcing, her wires are hot and smell like they are burning but nobody seems to have a definitive causal answer so in lieu of a definitive answer the council elected to replace the air-conditioning unit with commercial 5 ton and 3 ton, roof top air-conditioning unit at a price tag quote of $10,800.

The city receives lease/rent of just the building somewhere between $1200-$1300 per month for an annual income of $14,400-15,600 on the bar.  At $14,400 income less $10,800 debit for Madam Woolworth to ‘keep her cool’ Alcester residents will only make $3600 this year and that figure does not account for any other expenses the city has paid out this year.  It is TIME get rid of the alcoholic albatross.  Sell the bar!  Sane, bottom-line economics dictate the city sure could use the  money to fix the streets, the residents not get hit with a street maintenance tax and get the bar back on the property tax rolls again.

10(f)(vi) Special Maintenance Fee for Street Maintenance/Repairs.         Yup, there it is!  What happened to the round-robin zones of street repair that were in place when Rick Johnson took over?  Prior to Rick Johnson’s election and the subsequent election of Tom Glas, Alcester used a four to five year schedule of street repair.  Each year zones similar to our voting wards were scheduled to received chip seal treatments.  For example Year 1 a zone in West Alcester would be sealed, Year 2 a zone in Midwest-Alcester would be sealed, Year 3 a zone Mideast Alcester would be sealed and Year 4 Eastern Alcester zone would be chip sealed with the next year starting on the west side again so all streets would receive treatment every four to five years.  Now the streets are a disaster because Mayor Johnson failed to budget and Mayor Glas failed to budget.  It is the Mayor who works with the Finance Officer to create a budget and the it is the Mayor who presents the council with a suggested budget and the council reads it, hopefully asks questions and votes to accept or deny the presented budget.

Unfortunately street repair was not high on the Finance Office bucket list or Mayor Glas’ what-ever list.  So now (we) according to FO-Pat (I presume we means Fo-Pat and her sock-puppet Lampchop Tom)  have decided the good people need to pay extra street repair taxes because someone made a harmless-error, a term used when the powers-that-be explain their screws-up which costs people money, jail time or loss of reputation and the powers-that-be have no intention of correcting the error and making their victims whole.

Fo-Pat suggests a fee of $1.00 per frontage foot.  So let’s discuss the frontage foot, please consider South Dakota Highway 11 and all of those frontage feet.  What about them?  Those folks can logically argue they owe nothing because the city does not maintain SD Highway 11.  H-m-m.

Oh and let’s not forget the alleys.  Yup, folks the alleys.  Sometime ago the city council approved black-topping the alley on First Street between SD Highway 11 and Dakota Street and the alley on First Street between Dakota and Iowa.  These alleys have tractor-trailer trucks delivering to businesses.  There is an alley on third street, between Dakota and Iowa that has no businesses so not business deliveries by heavy trucks BUT  in last week or so this alley was black-topped from third street to a point about two-thirds of the way North ending approximately at the northern lot line of 306 Dakota Street (finance office employee?).  Now the word is, one resident paid a share of this alley black-topping and the city paid the rest of the cost.  I saw no city approval or action on black-topping a city alley in the past meetings.

Who approved this?


What happened with the quote process?


When was the council advised?


Where is the money coming from?


Why is the City black-topping alleys, when we have been told we do not have the money to finish seal coating the streets of Alcester and when FO-Pat and Mayor Glas want to institute a buck-a-foot fee on the residents of Alcester to pay for street maintenance and Folks this sounded like a forever-and-ever-Amen Fee that could go up in cost!

Sometime ago, around the time the Edifices to Garbage were being foisted upon the residents I suggested the city charge the regular fee, sell rolls of biodegradable, clear, green garbage bags to the residents to fill with garbage and place at the curb, bags which would be picked up by city employees (establishing two more part-time city jobs) who would place these bags into a central roll off container that Loren Fischer could collect.  Eliminating running a heavy garbage truck twice down every street and damage to our fragile streets.  As usual I was ignored.  Funny thing, the folks who come in to repair our streets suggested the very same thing.  IMAGINE THAT!

Let your city government know what you think, ask for an agenda, Come to a meeting (Wednesday, September 6, 2017, 6:00 p.m.), telephone your representatives Ward I; Councilwoman Audri Carlson, Councilwoman Julia Sundstrom-Lyle, Ward II; Councilman Dan Haeder, Councilman David Larsen and Ward III; Councilwoman Darla Reppe and Councilman Lance Johnson or call Mayor Glas, call the city offices 934-2851 or write a letter to the Editor of the Alcester Union-Hudsonite.




08/21/2017 A Voice From the Gallery

The August 7th, 2017, regular meeting of the Alcester City Council was called to order by Mayor Glas with five members present:  Councilman Dan Haeder, Councilwoman Darla Reppe, Councilman David Larsen, Councilwoman Audri Carlson and Councilwoman Julia Sundstrom-Lyle.  Absent Lance Johnson.

The meeting was opened at the Alcester Sewer Plant for a tour from 5:30 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. with a recess and “opening” the meeting at the Alcester Community Building at 6:00 p.m. Upon recital of the Pledge of Alliance the council approved the agenda minus my request of agenda placement and no discussion, approved the minutes with no discussion of the regular July 5, 2017, and the extra July 13, 2017, meeting.  Once those housekeeping chores were completed, Mayor Glas (?) called the Developers Agreement-North Industrial Park Update and the plat agreement for Greg Kleinhans parcel.  Alcester City Attorney Haugland gave an explanation of the details and explained the Pro forma agreement which will be addresses in the September meeting.

Two other agenda items included no update on the Village West Apartment Ordinance violation (so why place this item on the agenda?) and the 306 Iowa Property which Alcester City Attorney Haugland explained had an August 12, 2017, deadline to respond to legal notification.  Agenda Item 8, Support Options from the city for the Tragedy was called.  Simply put, this item was explained as some sort of financial help from the taxpayers of Alcester city.  One councilperson protested donation of any city funds.  Past mayors and councils have not spent tax dollars, committed tax dollars or donated tax dollars to fundraisers for private sector causes, matching or otherwise.  If council members wished to donate to a cause, they could donate personally but no city funds were to be donated to private entities or individuals.

        Regarding the suggestion from another council member to establish a fund to which the city would match donations.  The city does not operate like a private business which can pick and chose to which entities they want to contribute and the monetary amount they wish to contribute.  The city cannot operate in that way.  It is interesting to note here that not one word, reference or appreciation was acknowledged by Mayor Glas or Alcester city FO Jurrens advising the council members or gallery that according to  KDLT news item by Sydney Kern titled, “Small Towns Sticking Together“, dated July 30, 2017, the finance office had received or was to receive a portion of proceeds generated during the “music-on-the-patio” event held at The Canton Barn.   See article at http://www.kdlt.com/2017/07/2017/small-towns-sticking-together/

      So why was the council left in the ‘dark’ …again!  The council was left to think about this fundraiser until the next meeting.  The city of Alcester should not be paying tax dollars into fundraisers, individual city representatives certainly can pay out-of-their-personal-pockets into fundraisers  but NOT expend city funds.

        Next agenda item was Public Input.  On July 19, 2017, I formally asked for agenda placement above and beyond public input.  For those of you who do not know, most public input is not recorded as official minutes, rarely acted upon and treated by Mayor Glas as a totality(eclipse slang) blow-off.  I specified the purpose for my inclusion on the agenda was to discuss policies, practices and personnel to which FO-Pat leaped like a toe-dancer doing a Grand jeté, airbourne split ‘n’ all, to the conclusion I wanted to talk about her.  H-m-m guilty conscience rising like millefoil on a shallow pond!

First up on Public Input was the 911 dispatch lawsuit against the cities in Union County was dismissed with prejudice.  Thank you former Mayor Peter Larsen for actually representing and protecting the citizens of Alcester.  For those who don’t know, the Union County Commissioners primarily Doyle Karpen and Ross Jordan started making noises about billing the cities in Union County for 911 dispatching at a rate per municipal resident excluding rural residents and the CID Dakota Dunes.  Note Dakota Dunes is not a municipality, it is a CID.  It cannot levy local sales taxes, cannot operate a police force and would not be subject to the Union County Commissioner 911 dispatch Municipal Resident Tax.  Alcester Mayor Peter Larsen reached out to the Mayors of Beresford, Elk Point, Jefferson and North Sioux City to form a coalition to stop this movement by the Union County Commissioners.  This mayoral alliance met, discussed the dispatch issue and agreed this fee was not something the cities wanted.  The mayoral alliance scheduled a meeting with the commissioners and asked Mayor Peter Larsen to be their spokesman.  The group presented their position, suggested an opt-out and the commissioners scheduled an opt-out vote.  This opt-out would tax everyone in the county; urban, rural and CID with full parity.  The op-out vote was successful BUT, the then seated commissioners used the opt-out money for other 911 purposes and proceeded to bill the cities of Beresford, Elk Point, Jefferson, North Sioux City and Alcester for dispatch, culminating in a lawsuit when the cities refused to pay the fee.  The 911 dispatch lawsuit has now been dismissed.  Thank you former Mayor Peter Larsen for reaching out, organizing an alliance with your fellow Mayors in Beresford, Elk Point, Jefferson and North Sioux City to stand as a united front against the county commissioners fee and for standing up for the residents of Alcester!

I was next on Public Input.  I distributed an approximate twenty-two page, combed document outlining what I would have presented with more discussion depth had I been allowed on the agenda.  Part I, the Introduction was a history of my request to be placed on the August 7th, 2017, agenda and is set out in the 08-17-2017 A Voice from the Gallery.

Part II of the 08/07/2017 document was a copy of a complaint I made to the Property Maintenance Code Officer which included photograph, a code violation complaint form citing the violation name, address, telephone number and violation which was a roll off container with flammable materials in the central business center of Alcester.  The most notable detail of this violation is that other residents have reported being cited by Code Enforcement for having a woodpile next to their home and other similar infractions but it is okay for a ‘permanent’ open container roll off filled with dimensional wood, wood scraps and wood based demolitions to be placed adjacent to a neighboring building in the central business center, finished product stored on city parking r.o.w. and of course the nepotic connection.  This complaint along with photograph was presented to the Code Enforcement Officer Geoffrey Fillingsness on June 1, 2017.  As of August 21, 2017, I STILL have not received confirmation of receipt from this contract based, quasi employee of Alcester City!  It is interesting to note that apparently FO Pat accompanies Code Enforcement Officer Fillingsness on his Alcester inspection rounds, ‘spose she points out her pet peeves?  I included the copy of my complaint to Code Enforcement, a face page of the certificate of adoption of Ordinance 137,  copy of the extant zoning map adopted February 1972, Article 4 zoning districts 401 and 402, Article 8 describing the Central Business Center, Article 14 and extant supplementary District Regulations.

Part III of the 08/07/2017 document was a copy of a letter dated 02/10/2017, concerning non-receipt of my water bill issue arising because FO Pat couldn’t be bothered to send water bill by mail.  Alcester water bills come in post card form with our personal information on it which subjects residents to the possibility of identity theft.  Also included in Part III was a copy of an email to FO Pat from the city attorney on 02/17/2017, instructing the FO Pat to mail the bill.  We pay a lump sum once a year and work off of a credit balance.  FO Jurrens failed to mail statements to save money (Folks she was paying a postcard postal rate, all of $.34 per month for a grand total of $4.08 a year) but would only provide a statement when the balance dropped below the monthly rate.  My husband received this FO note, went to the City offices around 2:00 p.m. on a week day to discuss the FO’s position and found the office closed up tighter than a misers purse on pay day, so he walked on down the street and spoke to the Alcester City Attorney who was in his office.  This city business meeting would later be brought up by Councilman Lance Johnson who whizzed and moaned about the Larsens getting free legal advice on the city’s dime.  The finance office was closed at 2:00 p.m. on a workday! Lately this seems to happen more routine than as a rarity.  Part III included a torn water bill for July 3, 2017, which was torn and delayed by sixteen days and would have been subject to a $5/month late fee.  Discussion included questions from the council concerning identity theft in which I explained how I could steal their identities using the information provided on the post card.  I could have shown them, but I prefer not to have a felony on my record.  The FO responded to a council question regarding how many billing postcards were lost with the FO’s reply was “several” but they always worked it out. I put offered the information that utilities billings in most cities are handled with a statement sheet/bill inside of an envelope for security reasons.

These were two issues regarding policies and practices of the Alcester Finance Office and since I was only allowed five minutes.  Regarding the personnel issue, in the 08/17/2017 A Voice from the Gallery there was an email exchange which shows the behavior and practicing attitude of FO Jurrens and apparently the Code Enforcement Officer.  When a resident files a complaint and signs the complaint they darn well deserve an answer, see corrective measures and not have their heads patted by the ‘mayor’ and blown off.

At this point we have achieved Item 9 on a 15 item agenda.  More to come.




08/17/2017 A Voice from the Gallery

On July 19, 2017, I made an official (Item A) request to Mayor Tom Glas to be placed on the August 7, 2017, agenda for the purpose of discussing practices, polices and personnel above and beyond public input.  It was appropriate to direct this request to Mayor Glas because it is his responsibility to create an agenda for all meetings of the city council, it is not the decision of a finance officer whose scope of municipal bookkeeping/finance compliance duty only allows for her typing the agenda NOT setting the agenda.  I waited for a response.

Finally on Tuesday, August 1, 2017, I received an email from the Alcester City FO (Item B).  I responded to the email and sent via USPS a letter of explanation to Mayor Glas, members of the city council and the Alcester Municipal Attorney. (Item C)

On Wednesday, August 1, 2017, 8:29 a.m. I received another email from Alcester FO Jurrens  setting a date and time of August 3, 2017, at 4:00 p.m. to meet with the purpose of discussing my request for agenda placement.  (Item D) 

Noting the ‘we’, I responded at 2:15 p.m. on Wednesday, August 3, 2017, I wanted to meet with just Mayor Glas alone and if Mayor Glas was not comfortable with meeting me alone, I would concede to meet him with a council person present.  I received NO response to this clarification of meeting terms. (Item E)

I presented myself at 4:00 p.m. at the city offices ready and willing to meet with Mayor Glas to discuss my appearance on the meeting agenda.  Upon my entry into the building, Mayor Glas scurried out of the finance office with a fist full of papers with Alcester FO Jurrens tailgating him every step of the way.  As Mayor Glas approached me, he announced Alcester FO Jurrens would be attending the meeting because he did not feel safe meeting me alone and shuffling through the papers he clutched in his hand he pointed to a document, proceeding to parrot “a” version of the duties of a finance officer.  I want to note here, I researched those “duties”  two years ago and was well aware of privileges Mayor Glas could and could not endow his finance officer.  I told Mayor Glas we were done.  I explained my meeting may have the possibility of discussing sensitive issues, it was inappropriate to have the city bookkeeper present and I would not meet with the city bookkeeper present.  As usual, finance officer Jurrens interrupted the conversation between Mayor Glas and myself to offer her opinion which was not relevant and well beyond her scope of job description.  At that point Mayor Glas refused me the meeting scheduled because, “…Pat has the right to know if your issue relates to her…to face her accuser…”  to which I replied the finance officer did not have the right to know if my issue related to her.  Mayor Glas refused to meet with me, he refused me agenda time so I left the building with Alcester FO Jurrens calling after me, “…it was all my choice to refuse the meeting…”  to which I responded that it was not my choice.  On August 3, 2017, at 5:35 p.m. finance officer Jurrens sent an email continuation of her aggressive, irrelevant opinion.  I wonder did she get over-time pay for that gem of an email?

Mayor Glas had no intention of meeting with me without finance officer Jurrens.  As they say in union-speak, Mayor Glas showed no “good faith”.  He had no intention of meeting with me on August 3, 2017, which became evident when Mayor Glas showed me the crib notes on the duties of a finance officer from finance officer Pat.  Move over Shari Lewis and Lamb chop!

Item A

Vickie A. Larsen

Alcester, SD  57001

                                                                                                      July 19, 2017

Alcester City

P.O. Box 318

Alcester, SD  57001

re:  Agenda placement

Dear Mayor Glas:

          I request agenda line item placement on the August 7th, 2017, regular meeting of the Alcester City Council for the purpose of discussing practices, policies and personnel above and beyond public input.

          I am,

                                                                                                sincerely yours,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Vickie A. Larsen


Item B

Alcester Finance Officer <alcestercityfo@alliancecom.net> .


Vickie A Larsen

Today at 2:36 PM , August 1, 2017


Mayor Tom asked me to respond to your letter dated July 19th regarding agenda line placement. 

 In this letter – you stated your wish for agenda line placement to discuss practices, policies and personnel.  Regarding your request for line agenda placement for Policy & Practices  – you may speak on these issues during public input for an allotted time of five minutes.

Regarding your request to discuss personnel during open session – this has been denied.  If you wish to discuss personnel – you may send a letter to the Alderman & Mayor detailing your concerns about personnel issues and if the Council deems necessary – these issues will be addressed in Executive Session.  Another option available to you – Alderman Dave Larsen would be willing to meet with you individually where you may discuss your concerns on the subject of  personnel.    

Thank you.

 Patricia Jurrens City of Alcester PO Box 318 Alcester SD 57001 City Hall: 605-934-2851 Email: alcestercityfo@alliancecom.net Virus-free. http://www.avast.com

Item C

Vickie A. Larsen

Alcester, SD 57001-0137

                                                                                                                  August 1, 2017
City of Alcester
P.O. Box 318
106 West Second Street
Alcester, SD 57001

re: Request for Agenda Placement

Dear Alcester Mayor Tom Glas:

On July 19, 2017, I requested agenda line item placement on the August 7th, 2017, regular meeting of the Alcester City Council for the purpose of discussing practices, policies and personnel above and beyond public input.

Today, August 1, 2017, at 2:36 P.M. I received an email from the finance officer stating she was acting upon your request. In this email Alcester City Finance Officer Jurrens allowed I could speak during public input for an allotted time of five minutes on the subjects policy and practices. In addition Alcester City Finance Officer Jurrens stated my request to discuss personnel issues, I should send a letter to the, “Alderman and Mayor detailing your concerns about personnel issues…these issues will be addressed in Executive Session…” Sir, I did not mention any specific employee nor was I asked about any specific employee in my letter of request. Since I have no idea which specific “Alderman” Finance Officer Jurrens had in mind when she suggested I send a letter the “Alderman” or that I should contact Alcester City Councilman David Larsen was willing to meet with me but who is the representative for Ward II not Ward III. The suggestions put forth by Alcester City Finance Officer Jurrens in her email are unacceptable.

Perhaps Mr. Mayor, you and I should sit down and discuss my request prior to the publication of the agenda for the August 7th, 2017, regular meeting of the Alcester City Council. In fact Mr. Mayor, I would like to meet with you and discuss my request for agenda time at the August 7th, 2017, regular meeting of the Alcester City Council. It would be a good opportunity to be certain I am indeed speaking with the Mayor. I am,

sincerely yours

Vickie A. Larsen
Resident Taxpayer
cc: City Attorney Chuck Haugland
Councilman Lance Johnson
Councilman Dan Haeder
Councilman David Larsen
Councilwoman Audri Carlson
Councilwoman Julia Sundstrom Lyle
Councilwoman Darla Reppe

Item D


AUG 2, 2017 FO REPLY

Item D2 To Alcester Finance Office


Subsequent email exchange


 Alcester Finance Officer

Aug 3 at 4:53 PM

It is unfortunate Mayor Glas has failed  to meet with me.  I requested time on the agenda in a form much like a motion for going into executive session and confused him.  He has his Pat send a email that, “we will meet with you on Thursday, August 3, 2017, at 4:00 p.m. at the city offices.  I replied that I would happily meet with JUST Mayor Glas alone because there was a possibility of introducing sensitive nature and IF he was uncomfortable meeting with me alone I would concede to meet him and an Alcester City Councilman.  I arrived at the appointed time and was met with Mayor Glas with the Alcester City Finance Officer (bookkeeper), I told him Finance Officer Jurrens was not an elected city official and therefore I would not meet with her present because some information could be sensitive.  Mayor Glas responded she had a right to know if my issue related to her to which I replied, “NO she did not”  so he refused me the meeting and he refused me agenda time.

                                                                                                  Vickie A. Larsen


Aug 3 at 5:35 PM


Mayor Tom was here to meet with you.  Mayor Tom tried to meet with you.  Several options were given to accommodate you. 

You were the one who got angry and stated you would not meet with Mayor Tom and myself.  You were the one who left the building without conducting the meeting. 

It is unfortunate that you felt the need to leave without expressing your concerns.  Do not say that Mayor Tom refused you the meeting.  Those were all your decisions.


 Patricia Jurrens
City of Alcester
PO Box 318
Alcester  SD  57001
City Hall:  605-934-2851
Email:  alcestercityfo@alliancecom.net



Alcester Finance Officer

Aug 3 at 6:28 PM

No Finance Officer Jurrens, Mayor GLAS did not try to meet with me.  He had no intention of meeting with me because he insisted you, a non-elected city employee take part to as he stated “to protect him and take notes”.  He knew in advance there was a possibility of discussion sensitive issues yet he included you, the city bookkeeper who is NOT a duly elected Alcester City Councilperson.  You gave that up, remember when you took Mike Kezar’s job?   Alcester does NOT have a city administrator, either.  You both assumed I wished to speak to him about you, at that time.  That became evident when Mayor GLAS made the statement that you (Pat) had a right be present (I have to guess a sort-of-face your accuser I imagine).  Keep in mind that facing one’s accuser is only relevant in court, not the investigation otherwise there could be witness intimidation.   

 Mrs. Jurrens your opinions are not pertinent to this matter, as I told you when you repeatedly tried to inject your opinions into the town-hall-conversation I trying to conduct with Mayor Glas regarding my inclusion on the Alcester City Agenda.  I left be the building because the Mayor insisted you be present, a presence I believed to be an over-stepping extraneous intrusion into my meeting with Mayor Glas, Mayor Glas failed to meet the modest criteria I had previously set for discussing my request to be placed on the August 7, 2017, regular meeting of the Alcester City Council Agenda, Mayor Glas totally wasted my time just so you and he could play juvenile games such as Captain, May I?  Angry you bet I was!   Not only was that can of milk dropped but was kicked over and the bucket was kicked clean out of the barn.  I saw any mitigating solution to Mayor Glas and I successfully meeting was slopping down the barn floor like the milk out of that dropped bucket and flowing all the way out of the barn.  I had NO choice but to leave before Mayor Glas ordered, the by now present, Alcester Chief of Police Doty to arrest me.  

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Vickie A. Larsen



















08/12/2017 A Voice from the Gallery

First let’s review the July 13th, 2017, meeting at 7:30 a.m.  This was a short agenda.  The quorum of four councilmembers:  David Larsen, Lance Johnson, Dan Haeder and Audri Carlson was present with the Mayor and Alcester FO Jurrens.  There was only two items on the agenda;  Item 4, the malt liquor license transfer approval to Keith Vandon Bosch, owner of Alcester Quickstop located at the former DJ’s Express, the vote to approve the Malt Beverage Purchase agreement with Alcester Quickstop and Item 5, the Meagan Fischer request for variance.

Both liquor issues were rolled into one motion to transfer the liquor license from DJ’s Express to Keith Vandon Bosch (Alcester Quickstop) and approval of the agreement with Keith Vandon Bosch doing business as Alcester Quickstop.

Motion to approve made/David Larsen,

Second to the motion/Audri Carlson,

no discussion,

vote aye times 4 with a unanimous aye quorum vote.

Meagan Fischer request for variance was dealt without vote upon the advice of Alcester City Attorney.  Using the current Alcester zoning ordinance found ordinance 7-09 already dealt with the change proposed by Fischer.  It is however noted here that once again Alcester FO offered up her opinion on the matter which was an out-of-order utterance and whose opinion was not relevant and beyond Alcester FO officer’s scope of duties and which was not related to her duties as city bookkeeper.