09/07/2023 A Voice From the Gallery

Attacks by bullies and religious bullies.  As I stated in an earlier posting of my blog, “…I will not quote the Bible.  I will not quote the Bible to bolster any argument, to defend my personal opinion, to justify any actions I take or any actions I do not take, bully another person or to put someone down because they dare exercise freedom of speech…”  What I have learned in my lifetime in Spirit Lake (the summer-time door-to-door bangers who were looking for their salvation through badgering donations from the residents of Spirit Lake), Woonsocket (rural door-to-door religious door bangers who walked into my farm home while I was away and left their coupon for salvation on my kitchen counter) and Alcester (again the summer-time door-to-door evangelists from the deep south who wanted to share their printed handout) is to watch out for the religious bullies.  Religious bullies who quote bits and pieces of the Bible, taking those bits and pieces out of context to use against me or others with whom they disagree.  The advice I would give is to avoid these religious bullies but unfortunately, bullies do not go away and they won’t leave you alone unless you do something about it. 

I learned in first grade at five (5) years old that a warning did not make Carl a second-grader stop bullying me.  This school yard bully stood a head taller than me had me backed-up against a school yard fence, refusing to let me go and who I warned I was going to “sock-him-in-the nose if he did not let me go.  He didn’t and I did.  He ran to the teacher in charge of recess (who was a disciplinarian) holding he nose and bawling that I hit him.  She came to me and asked why?  I told her the truth.  The boy did confirm what he had done to me and the teacher scolded him in front of me.  The lesson I learned, tell the truth but always be ready to follow up in convincing a bully to leave you alone. So, with that said I will share with you folks my recent batch of hate mail from anonymous porch pulpiteers with my commentary.

Also I would note that while I post these with the notation Coward #1 and so-on, several of these missives are from the same individual porch “postulate.” So I presume this group of Brethren of the Order of the White Feather has a small membership.

COWARD #9.1 AND 9.2 Appear to be from the same coward. Note the similarity of handwriting and the failure to get the zip code correct not once but twice.

COWARD #10 Makes the statement, “…she, … are praying for me, Makes me kind of wonder, Praying for What?

COWARD #11 Now folks this consitutes a threat against me, I have already talked to law enforcement and the post office officials. Now folks you can see why I have chosen to publish these missives of mistruths. You are correct in one thing sugar, people need to know WHO YOU are and indeed they can consider the source; a bottle bottomer, a pretentious, pious, porch profit or a Bible tympanist.

COWARD #12 Good People? Let’s see on-going criminality in a city office? Your idea of good people defies logic. Really? So how is your mirror image?

COWARD #13 We? Who? You and the turd you carry in your pocket and use for an ID? How did that photo turn out? And so, what is your reputation besides being a voting member brethren of the Order of the White Feather?

COWARD #14 Well congratulations Coward #14 if you do not like bullies, how do YOU face yourself in the morning while you shave? H-m-m-m You state you read my blog and it was hard for you to read. Well sugar, it is not written for children.

COWARD #15 Oyea, here they come. Honey ya’ll needed to have filled this little two-question test out before you sent it, to let me know what your answers revealed to YOU darlin’. I suggest you stick with the plastic bag of popcorn and a video you can hang on door knobs idea.

COWARD #16 Hey COWARD #16, do you want your stamp back. I see the post office missed cancelling the stamp on that little folded up missive of yours. Folks this missive measured three (3) inches by Five (5) inches all folded up with the stamp and cutesy little self-stick stickers. Oh-Oh you ended your suggestion with a preposition.

COWARD #17 GEE another postcard, ya gotta be a running out of those little buggers along with your floral forever stamps. Ah folks…Hoping now not Praying…must have a long ride and no bathroom stops.